Saturday, June 5, 2010


It seems that it's the season for new beginnings. As I wrap up this year at school and look forward to a summer that I hope will be restful and full of renewal, there are so many goals on my mind. I struggle to discern what should be an immediate priority and what can wait until another time. There are so many things I want to accomplish - so many things I hope to be one day. It is my prayer that I may take time to listen, and to seek out those activities that will help me to become the woman I was created to be - to allow the other things to melt into the background.

I'm quite excited to be moving with my roommate to Greensboro at the beginning of July. I am also changing grade levels next year, so I will be teaching two new preps in eighth grade. Both are indications of the new season my life is beginning.

As I dream about the days and years to come, my mind and soul are filled with possibilities. Here are a few of the things I am contemplating:

  • Train for the Ramblin' Rose Triathlon (I was doing really well with this, but haven't worked out regularly since I got bronchitis a few weeks ago)
  • Take yoga and/or pilates regularly as a physical and mental habit
  • Join a choir, take mandolin lessons, and/or get a keyboard so I can play the piano at my new apartment
  • Find a church that I can belong to in Greensboro
  • Join some other groups such as SynerG and United Way Young Leaders
  • Begin grad school with an online program in Instructional Technology
  • Attend multiple professional development workshops this summer
  • Volunteer with Greensboro Urban Ministry and/or Habitat for Humanity
  • Spend some time in professional reflection and planning for the year to come
  • Write, journal, and blog regularly
  • Find some sort of organizational system for my personal and professional life
  • Listen to more music! (Loving a mix of Sam Bush, The Avett Brothers, Carole King, Stoney LaRue, Corey Smith, and Sister Hazel at the moment)
  • Go on a date with someone other than an exboyfriend :-p
Obviously undertaking all of these activities is overwhelming. But it is my goal to pick a few to pursue rather than allowing all my ambition to be quelled by overwhelm. I welcome insights as to how to separate the worthwhile pursuits from those that can wait.

Monday, February 22, 2010

This is the vision board I created this weekend while on retreat :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

God Says Yes To Me

I asked God if it was okay to be melodramatic
and she said yes
I asked her if it was okay to be short
and she said it sure is
I asked her if I could wear nail polish
or not wear nail polish
and she said honey
she calls me that sometimes
she said you can do just exactly
what you want to
Thanks God I said
And is it even okay if I don't paragraph my letters
Sweetcakes God said
who knows where she picked that up
what I'm telling you is
Yes Yes Yes

(Poem written by Kaylin Haught)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Roll on Bye

Don't be shy just let your feelings roll on bye
And don't wear fear or nobody will know you're there
Just lift your head and let your feelings out instead
No don't be shy just let your feelings roll on bye - Cat Stevens

This weekend I am planning a retreat. Last time I planned a retreat it was for 100 people, many of whom I didn't even really respect. I ran myself into a rut attempting to please every possible audience. The result was that nobody really got an overall meaning or message, and I became exhausted mentally, emotionally, and physically.

This time I am planning a retreat for me and only me.

I am going to spend some time remember who I am, and figuring out where I'm going.
I am going to spend some time thinking about what Lent means to me, today, in my life.
I am going to spend some time thinking about what it is I want and who it is I wish to be.
I am going to rest, and relax, and love myself.

Here is a list of some of the things I am considering for the weekend:

Vision Board/Collaging
Redecorating my room - I need that *special* piece
Phone calls to some special friends (Ruth, Abby, Crystal, Carol)
Prayer breakfast at the church I visited on Wednesday
Writing thank-you cards to some special people in my life
Renting a silly video that I've been wanting to watch
Listening to fabulous music
Creating some awesome play lists
Cleaning out my life - kitchen/fridge; bathroom; corner in my room; car; dead fern in the sun room
Listening to some inspirational speakers and writers thanks to Jennifer Louden's Virtual Retreat
Treating myself to a massage
Creating a plan of action for areas in which I'd like to evolve (finances; physical health; cleanliness of my surroundings)
Setting a goal for the month :)

Photo is a picture of the beautiful Iranian New Years tradition "Haft Sin" by Hamed Saber

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Words for 2010
